Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why here?

The intention behind creating this page was to talk about "us", our thoughts, our views and our beliefs. Its one place where we voice our opinions and for those of you who choose to disagree with them or don't like them, well.. We politely apologize but we are firm on our beliefs; however we are open to debate and your views. 

The universe has placed us both geographically apart but time has bought us together to be soul sisters. Quoting Diana Cortes "There is magic in long-distance friendships.  They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound." Malcolm Gladwell says it take 10,000 hours to perfect a skill; we have invested about half of it in being friends. For this we would like to credit Dr Vinton G. Cerf for Internet and Graham Bell for keeping us connected.

One of us is a research engineer and an avid photographer (you will see the pictures on the blog) and one of us works with a company that defines internet and is an avid reader. But we have lots of things in common. To begin with we come from families with a mix of conservative and morden beliefs. We both love traveling and we both like dabbing in various creative activities. Our kind of an ideal job would be with "Travel and Living" to travel around the world.. I know its a li'l distant but we still keep the hope.

We believe in giving our 110% to everything. For us love is no half-measure. You either don’t, or you do with every cell in your body, completely and utterly, without reservation or apology. It consumes you, and you are reborn, all the better for it. We believe life is short and not to waste a single minute doing things we don't really enjoy. We hate the word compromise. Compromise is something that happens between countries or governments. Its where no one gets anything and both parties are dissatisfied. What we believe in is aligning, to work around differences and in being happy. 

This is our space to voice our thoughts and for now about issues we see day to day mostly about the things we don't agree about. So here we rant. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

When I say nothing, I mean...

Being the foodie that I am.. I often get conscious when someone asks "Did you eat?" after I just indulged in something sinfully extravagant. Well I must confess that I have a sweet tooth the size of a elephant and most girls will Ohh and Ahh when I say I have eaten a chocolate truffle or an ice cream... and they are good at making one feel guilty...so most often one ends up saying nothing.. so here is my recipe to Nothing


1 good size piece of Chocolate walnut cake
100 ML of chocolate sauce
1 scoop of Vanilla ice cream

Making procedure:

Place the cake in a slightly deep dish and pour the chocolate sause on the cake.. Microwave it for 60 seconds and add the cold scoop of ice cream on the steaming hot cake and Voila.... and sinfully rich Nothing that is a guaranteed to lift your sprits, beat stress and make you smile  :)
